The Chimborazo Volcano between the Scientific and Cultural approaches of Alexander von Humboldt (1802-1805) and Edward Whymper (1880-1892)

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Patricio Aguirre Negrete


This article analyzes the scientific and cultural representations made by Alexander von Humboldt and Edward Whymper about the Chimborazo Volcano. In the case of Humboldt, we study the profile of the mountain that he designed in 1805, in order to show the vertical distribution of plants and nature as a whole. As for Whymper, we study his ascent to the snow-capped mountain in 1880, as well as his physiological and cartographic work in the high Andes of Ecuador. Both representations are seen as models of creation of nature involving scientific, aesthetic, and artistic approaches. These experiences are compared to their influence on the scientific exploration and mountaineering activities of the 19th century.


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Aguirre Negrete, P. (2022). The Chimborazo Volcano between the Scientific and Cultural approaches of Alexander von Humboldt (1802-1805) and Edward Whymper (1880-1892). Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, (56), 11–38.




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