La producción de la renta en la esfera de la encomienda (el caso de Iguaque, del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la fase de tránsito)

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Heraclio Bonilla


The article presents an analysis of local land income for Indian communities in the encomienda of Iguaque located in the province of Tunja, including the population structure in the final third of the 16th century. The reseach sources consist of various visitas, re-nummeraciones and retasas of the encomienda in order to ilustrate the variations of the amount and structure of the Indian`s tribute, underlining the differences between the official tax and amounts really paid. In this context, the article illustrates the tensions between caciques, encomenderos and tributaries, as well as the mercantile expansion of the native economies, the forced monetarization of tribute, the demographic decline, and finally a transition to the colonial system.


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How to Cite
Bonilla, H. (2015). La producción de la renta en la esfera de la encomienda (el caso de Iguaque, del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la fase de tránsito). Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(21), 5–33.