Cambios históricos en el paisaje de Cuenca, siglos XIX-XX

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Ana Luz Borrero Vega


This artic1e analyzes the genesis of the urban Cuencan landscape. The patrimonial elements, the growth and expansion processes, and the changes in its urban
landscape between the 19th and 20th centuries are highlíghted. The study utilizes the optic of historical geography and the geography of the landscape and its
methodologies. It studies the perception that the population controls the terrítory, the urban map, the architecture and the land. In addition, the research incorporates a photographic register of the principal buildings that compose the
Cuenca n architectural patrimony.


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How to Cite
Borrero Vega, A. L. . (2006). Cambios históricos en el paisaje de Cuenca, siglos XIX-XX. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(24), 107–134.