Los indios de Riobamba y la revolución de Quito, 1757-1814

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Rosario Coronel Feijóo


This study examines the various positions taken by indigenous groups during the Revolution of 1809 in Quito. Following the two key characters of the township of Riobamba, a chief and an Indian, seeking the causes of adherence or rejection. It explores several junctures that begin in mid-eighteenth century, from the requests of chiefs and subsequent rearrangement of Indian authorities made by Bourbon reformers to the continued imposition of taxes and the earthquake of 1797 which flow into the Indian uprising of 1803. The article shows a radical break between ordinary Indians and the creole perspective active at the founding of the nation.


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Coronel Feijóo, R. . (2009). Los indios de Riobamba y la revolución de Quito, 1757-1814. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(30), 109–123. https://doi.org/10.29078/rp.v1i30.127