La contrarrevolución del virrey Abascal: Lima, 1806-1816
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During the years of the collapse of the Spanish monachy, the Viceroyalty of Peru was governed bya Fernando de Abascal, who in Alliance with Lima´s elites, applied a policy of repression in ideological and military termns prior to any separtist or revolutionary attempt. He did this as much within his vice-regal jurisdiction as outside of it (such as in the neighboring territories of Quito, Chile and Charcas). At the same time, using this strategy, the Viceroyalty of Lima tried to recover a part of its lost influence in South America as a consequence of the application of the Bourbon reforms, especially during the second half of the eighteenth century. This article pays special attention to Limas´s reply to the insurgent movement that borke out in Quito 1809.
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