"Habiendo roto el freno de la obediencia". Participación indígena en la insurgencia de Quito, 1809-1812

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Pablo Ospina Peralta


This article analyzes one aspeto of indigenous participation in the long break-up of the monarchical regime produced in Quito following news of the Napoleonic invasión, and the abdication of the throne in favor of Joseph Bonaprate. The essay asks if Quito´s indigenous peoples were basically indifferent in the face of the Quito Junta’s 1809 proclamation of autonomy ori f they had any specific proposal of their own during the period of gratest upheaval and mobilization between 1810 and 1812. Ont the side, it explores the attitudes of elites and plebeians in this period. The essay pays paticular attention to the atmosphere of terror that popular mobilization prodced following the abuses and cruel repressive measures carried out by the tropos from Lima stationes in Quito in 1810.


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How to Cite
Ospina Peralta, P. . (2015). "Habiendo roto el freno de la obediencia". Participación indígena en la insurgencia de Quito, 1809-1812. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(29), 65–92. https://doi.org/10.29078/rp.v1i29.137