Auge y decadencia de la fábrica de hilados y tejidos de algodón La Industrial, 1935-1999

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Nicolás Cuvi


This article presents a general approach to the world of labor in Quito, taking as a case study the textile and yarn factories in the city from the 1930s to late 1990s. The author presents, first, a description of the industry in the city then focuses his attention on the Factory, The Industrial, its textile production, working environment, internal dynamics, the life of the workers, their union and their relations with the factory owners. The sources that feed the analysis are from the collections of the factory administration, litigation, press releases related to protests and social mobilization of workers asserting their wage and labor demands, as well as testimonies of former workers of The Industrial.



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How to Cite
Cuvi, N. . (2015). Auge y decadencia de la fábrica de hilados y tejidos de algodón La Industrial, 1935-1999. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(33), 63–95.