Town Planning, Urban Motorway Modernization and Changes in Quito’s Quotidian Life: A Case Study Concerning the San Blas Neighborhood, 1967-1973

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María Ángela Cifuentes Guerra


This investigation analyzes the impact that urban planning, implemented by Quito’s municipality, had on the historic downtown sector of the city during the 60’s and 70’s. It examines what city planners had envisioned when they carried out their modernization policies that included: land-use management, zonal interconnection and transit development. At the same time, it evaluates the consequences that these interventions have had concerning the lifestyle of the residents. The San Blas neighborhood was the setting for the North-South connection transit project that was proposed by the Plan Director de Urbanismo developed in 1967. This expose describes the consequences that this project has had on the neighborhood’s quotidian life and the unfortunate decision to tear down the National Library’s building, in 1973.


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How to Cite
Cifuentes Guerra, M. Ángela . (2016). Town Planning, Urban Motorway Modernization and Changes in Quito’s Quotidian Life: A Case Study Concerning the San Blas Neighborhood, 1967-1973. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, (44), 45–74.
Author Biography

María Ángela Cifuentes Guerra

Dr. Phil. por la Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf. Investigadora independiente con énfasis en artes visuales y cultura urbana. Ha enseñado en FLACSO-E, Universidad Andina y en la Universidad Católica, Quito. 2016, profesora invitada por la UCA-El Salvador. Autora de Entgegengesetzt? Masse-Massenmedien-urbane Kultur in den Crónicas von Carlos Monsiváis (2010) y El placer de la representación. La imagen femenina ante la moda y el retrato. Quito, 1880-1920 (1999). En 2015, investigadora del proyecto “Dinámicas socioespaciales, memoria sociohistórica y patrimonio cultural del Centro Histórico de Quito” realizado por el Área de Historia de la UASB-E con el auspicio del Municipio de la ciudad.