The evocation of childhood in the poetry of César Dávila Andrade and Aurelio Arturo: between the excess of space and the gratifying presence of nature
Ecuador, Colombia, César Dávila Andrade, Aurelio Arturo, poetry, memory, evocation, forgetfulness, childhood, mother, nature, evanescence, eternityAbstract
In this essay the symbolic-evocative possibilities that nature has in the poetry of the Ecuadorian César Dávila Andrade and the Colombian Aurelio Arturo are related to the excess of space that arises between the present of the evocation and the evoked world. It also relates the sensual and emotional interiorization of nature in the lyric self. In this way the evocation of nature fixes and even petrifies memory, perpetuating it and avoiding its evanescence from the evoked world. In the two poets one can see a symbolic transfiguration of nature to evoke the world of childhood and family intimacy. In both authors, the presence of the mother is essential, together with the daily rural landscape.
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