A postmodern attitude of Law (Eco and Koskenniemi applied to Constitutional Law)


  • Daniel Eduardo Gallegos Herrera Corte Constitucional del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador




Cynicism, culture, formalism, idealism, irony, natural law, positivism, postmodernism, realism, avant-garde


In this article it’s proposed to take a postmodern attitude toward Law –in general–and specifically toward constitutional law. Based on Umberto Eco’s description of the postmodern, identifiable as a way of revisiting the past in use of irony, the article goes on to identify four ways of operating in art: neoclassicism, romanticism, realism and avant-garde, with regulatory and political approximations and idealist and skeptical attitudes, regarding the law, which Martti Koskenniemi highlights in his work. The work identifies his proposal of a culture of formalism with the postmodern attitude of talking about law in the era of lost innocence, and extending it to a field different from the one in which it was conceived: constitutional law.


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How to Cite

Gallegos Herrera, D. E. . (2019). A postmodern attitude of Law (Eco and Koskenniemi applied to Constitutional Law). Foro: Law Journal, (31), 75–96. https://doi.org/10.32719/26312484.2019.31.4
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