The Challenges of Process Management in the Digital Age




Processes, complexity, capacity, people, change


Process management is a fundamental tool for the management of organizations, it is a basic element to achieve effectiveness objectives and efficiency, as well as a fundamental actor of continuous improvement and productivity. This document aims to present a point of view on whether the process approach as it was known in the industrial revolution, is in force to solve the complexity of organizations in the digital age, its relationship with capacity building to meet the requirements of customers in a dynamic change environment. Through the deductive method and indirectly the two main approaches to management are explored, the organizational structure, processes, systems, measurements and risk are
on the hard line, and on the soft line there are relationships and people-focused development, these two approaches have been the traditional response to the complexity of the company and maintain a relationship with the management by processes in the industrial age, it is analyzed whether this relationship is in force in the digital age. It is concluded by identifying certain characteristics that the new processes must develop in order to be aligned to the transformations in the context of the fourth industrial revolution such as innovation, flexibility and adaptability.


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How to Cite

Piñuela-Espín, J., & Quito-Godoy, C. (2020). The Challenges of Process Management in the Digital Age. Estudios De La Gestión: Revista Internacional De Administración, (8), 127–144.
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