How to be a perfect subject of his majesty. An analysis based on the concept of age and youth in legal and poetic texts of the colony


  • Edison Lasso Rocha Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar


youth, puer senex, carpe diem, moço, young people, age, representation, colony, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz


This work traces the notion of youth in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries from two categories of texts, the first a legal type with a list of merits and services that allows us to understand the age aspect of a person as the search for a civilizing trait, and the second of a literary type, with two poems by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, which show the presence of two strong categories marking the way to be young in the colony, on the one hand carpe diem, characterized by young people, and on the other the puer senex, a paradigm of behavior and strategy of containment in reality, towards young people, that is, the way of being young during that period.


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Author Biography

Edison Lasso Rocha, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar

Ecuatoriano. Estudió matemática pura, literatura, comunicación. Tiene una maestría en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y actualmente cursa el doctorado en literatura latinoamericana por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador. Se formó en los talleres literarios de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, dirigidos por Edwin Madrid y formó parte del colectivo Fe de erratas. Ha trabajado como docente de literatura y matemática en diferentes establecimientos educativos de Ecuador. Actualmente se desempeña como editor general en Edinun y es docente universitario. Publicó una colección de tres textos de enseñanza de Literatura.


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How to Cite

Lasso Rocha, E. . (2017). How to be a perfect subject of his majesty. An analysis based on the concept of age and youth in legal and poetic texts of the colony. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (41), 41–56. Retrieved from