The classic concepts of mimesis and truth as categories of analysis in La caverna de las ideas


  • Myriam Merchan Barros Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



mímesis, techne, melete, katroptismós, prospoiémata, Platón, knowledge, narratee, reader, traslator, eidesis, aletheia, unveiling, truth, art, José Carlos Somoza


This article revisits Plato’s concept of mimesis in a rereading of José Carlos Somoza’s text, La caverna de las ideas, from the point of view of the classic referents that have been used to develop the motive of knowledge, analyze the different dimensions of its construction as presented in Plato’s philosophy and how they are recreated in the novel conceptualized as eidesis, a fictional text that contains an enigma as the structuring element of another work of fiction. Emphasis is placed on the cathartic function of art and in the non-exclusive relation between beauty and truth to prove that a rereading of classic works allows us to always distill innovative elements, a challenge, a task that plunges us into an avid reading adventure in search of signification.


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How to Cite

Merchan Barros, M. (2019). The classic concepts of mimesis and truth as categories of analysis in La caverna de las ideas. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (46), 63–86.
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