Theatrical representations of memory, trauma and omission in the trilogy of the exile of Aristides Vargas


  • Alison Guzmán Providence College



Arístides Vargas, Ecuador, theater, dictatorships, Latin America, exile, immigration, trauma, memory, omission


The Ecuadorian-Argentine dramatist and actor, Aristides Vargas, represents, in his trilogy on exile Flores arrancadas a la niebla (1995), Nuestra señora de las nubes (2000) y Donde el viento hace buñuelos (2004), the (non) memory that results from exile through the (non) encounters of the protagonists in ectopic and illusory spaces, as well as indeterminate and interspersed times. Vargas uses the absurd genre, the aesthetics of surrealism, as well as enigmatic and detached lyrical dialogue, to emphasize the trauma associated with various kinds of exile, among which are: that of the woman, the defenseless, that of poverty, that of politics, that of violence, that of death, and that of omission. This essay also examines the ways in which some theories about the literature of exile, the dramaturgy of memory, post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as counter-memory and selective forgetting, are reflected in the theater of Vargas.


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Author Biography

Alison Guzmán, Providence College

Estadounidense. Profesora de Lengua y Literatura Hispánica en Providence College, Estados Unidos; doctora en Literatura Hispanoamericana por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Ha publicado varios artículos,  introducciones y reseñas sobre obras de teatro contemporáneo.


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Ricoeur, Paul. La memoria, la historia, el olvido. Argentina: Seuil, 2000.

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Vargas, Arístides. Flores arrancadas a la niebla, manuscrito, 1995.

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How to Cite

Guzmán, A. . (2016). Theatrical representations of memory, trauma and omission in the trilogy of the exile of Aristides Vargas. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (39), 55–73.
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