The manuscripts of the Capítulos que se le olvidaron a Cervantes by Juan Montalvo
Ecuador, Cervantes, Juan Montalvo, novel, nineteenth century, intertextuality, Don Quijote, CervantismAbstract
This article is the result of a work of documentation, digitalization and comparison of the two manuscripts of Capítulos que se le olvidaron a Cervantes, by Juan Montalvo, located in the archives of the Casa de Montalvo in Ambato (Ecuador). The loose chapters of a final stage of the manuscript, that are part of the archive of the Library of the Universidad de Cuenca, are added to these two manuscripts. From this documentation, digitized specifically for this research, a comparative study has been carried out to establish the different stages through which this work by Juan Montalvo went, to locate what each of the two manuscripts represents and how to consider the posthumous editing work of the first edition of the Capítulos.
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