Post-seismic responses from an approach to human development and human rights: invisible actors, rights and capabilities


  • Johannes M. Waldmueller Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador
  • Nelson Nogales Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador
  • Ryan Cobey Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador
  • María Carolina Urigüen Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador



Esmeraldas, Manabí, reconstruction, natural disasters, human rights, human development, indicators, capacities, resilience


Based on the framework for human rights indicators for public policy, the present article aims to provide an analysis of the fiscal perspective adopted by the Ecuadorian government as a result of the April 16, 2016 earthquake, focusing particularly on its management of response to overcome this natural disaster. It is argued that this perspective has exacerbated violations to certain human rights, affected resilience-oriented capacities of the affected population, and complicated the establishment of adequate conditions for improving the situation of the affected populations particularly in the coastal areas of Muisne, Chamanga and Canoa. Utilizing both ethnographic and geo-mapping methods, the present article examines the logic behind the distinctly vertical approach to reconstruction and its effects on local populations as well as processes for reforming socio-economic fabrics.


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Author Biographies

Johannes M. Waldmueller, Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador

Docente investigador asociado de la Universidad de las Américas, Sede Ecuador

Nelson Nogales, Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador

Docente investigador de la Universidad de las Américas, Sede Ecuador.

Ryan Cobey, Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador

Docente investigador de la Universidad de las Américas, Sede Ecuador.

María Carolina Urigüen, Universidad de las Américas. Quito, Ecuador

Directora de la Carrera de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de las Américas, Sede Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Waldmueller, J. M., Nogales, N. ., Cobey, R. ., & Urigüen, M. C. . (2018). Post-seismic responses from an approach to human development and human rights: invisible actors, rights and capabilities. Foro: Law Journal, (30), 5–29.
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