Social Dialogue: Democratic Participation of Workers in Prison
social dialogue, paid work, democracy, persons deprived of liberty, criminal policy, social rehabilitation, penalty, prisonAbstract
Within the framework of this research, an analysis will be carried out on the relevance of social dialogue in prison establishments, as well as the access of people deprived of liberty to the right to work, which obviously includes the opportunity to perform paid jobs. To specify social dialogue, it is essential to delve deeper into the theories that drive and underpin the work, such as economic, political, and social theory. Furthermore, it is necessary to carefully examine the recognition of social dialogue in the International Instruments and understand its scope in relation to people deprived of their liberty who exercise the right to work, through a qualitative and theoretical methodology. Ultimately, the objective is to promote the democratic participation of people deprived of liberty, allowing them to access decent working conditions that are essential to achieve effective reintegration into society. In this sense, we re?ect on the objectives of punishment and highlight the fundamental importance of work as a central element for the social reintegration and democratic participation of people deprived of liberty with the promotion of social dialogue to establish criminal policies that in turn, may be benefcial both for people deprived of liberty and for society.
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