Economic and Constitutional Law Globalization




globalization, constitutional law, economy, democracy, sovereignty, human rights, Constitution, transnational law


This article analyzes economic globalization, seen as a threat that not only transgresses the sovereignty of states, but also violates constitutional supremacy and the powers of the executive and legislative powers, increasing the social gap and violating social, economic and cultural rights, thereby disrupting democracy and the constitutional state. After a quick exposition on economic globalization, the article focuses on explaining the progress made by the globalization of constitutional law in the Latin American
context and what this phenomenon would imply according to Ferrajoli’s perception by taking the constitutional model to the international level, from two perspectives; on the one hand as an opportunity to provide greater protection to fundamental rights through the incorporation of Human Rights Treaties and Conventions in the Constitution and from the perspective of seeing the globalization of Constitutional Law as an opportunity to strengthen public powers. In the same way, reference is made to the consequences of economic globalization in Latin American constitutional law. The methodology of this work is qualitative, theoretical and exploratory. It invites the States to shield their constitutions so that they are not seen only as a symbolic instrument, but as a valid instrument that guarantees the rights of their citizens.


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Author Biography

Johanna Elizabeth Jiménez Torres, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Loja, Ecuador)

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How to Cite

Jiménez Torres, J. E. (2023). Economic and Constitutional Law Globalization. Foro: Law Journal, (40), 83–104.
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