Transgender prisons as a declaration of individual freedom within the criminal justice system in Ecuador




Transgender, transphobia, criminal justice system, heteronormativity, cisnormativity


The fight towards equality for LGBTI groups in the country has made a lot of progress in the past few years. However, a brief overview to the current legal framework, including public policies within the criminal justice system and the rehabilitation system, persuades to believe that what has been achieved so far, has longed overlooked a differential and fair treatment within prisons. Likewise, academic research about transgender people inside the prison system are scarce, and for the Ecuadorian case, it can be argued are almost inexistent. It is a realm that has escaped the government’s view. Gender identity and respect towards individual sexuality have been actively promoted from the OC-24/17, which also reflects itself to the criminological context into the prison system in Ecuador. This essay will try to confront this reality and make some space to debate.


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How to Cite

Moreno, R. (2019). Transgender prisons as a declaration of individual freedom within the criminal justice system in Ecuador. Foro: Law Journal, (32), 161–178.
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