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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions should be original unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The submission contains the cover letter (PDF) and the manuscript (OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF).
  • Title of the article (maximum 80 characters with spaces).
  • Abstract in Spanish (200-220 words) and in English (180-200 words)
  • 8 keywords in Spanish and in English
  • Manuscript length 5.000 to 6.000 words, including the body of the article, the footnotes, the list of references, the title, the abstract and the keywords.
  • The citations in the text comply strictly with Chicago Manual Citation Style: 16th Ed.
  • The minimum number of doctrinaire and jurisprudential references is 30. National and international regulations are excluded from this minimum number.
  • Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing, fully justified and with no tabulations or carriage returns. Italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs).
  • Every author has been identified by their ORCID code number.
  • All web address references are shortened with
  • The article follows the Chicago Deusto Manual of Style (Summary Guide to the Style Manual (5th ed.), UASB-E), and within this, to the Notes and Bibliography Subsystem (SNB)
  • The DOI have been included in all references that lead in the following format:
  • Illustration, figures and tables must be included in the main body of the text in Word format in order of appearance, numbered using Arabic numerals. They will be used to clarify important points and will not be longer than one vertical page.

Author Guidelines

Foro: Law Journal receives original articles in Spanish although texts in English or Portuguese can also be included. The articles comply with the editorial policy and the Norms for collaborators.

The review has two sections:

  • Central theme: peer-reviewed section. Article presentation for this section has closing dates. The current call can be checked in the review’s OJS platform or on the Simon Bolivar Andean University, Ecuador campus website.

Academic articles are received that are the result of research projects which respond to national, regional and international legal problems. The projects result from analysis, reflective and production processes using Legal criteria that complies with the current call for papers.

They are 6 to 8 thousand words long counting the body of the article and the citations in the footnote and the references.

Review the Guide for understanding the content and structure of an academic article.

  • Jurisprudence: peer-reviewed section. The presentation of articles for this section has closing dates. You can review the current call for papers in the review’s OJS platform or on the Simon Bolivar Andean University, Ecuador campus website.

This section receives analyses of current or emblematic rulings that are related to the theme of the current call for papers. Some elements that the columnist could highlight include: legal problems tackled, arguments from the parties, the reasoning/argumentative methods and critical analysis of the ratio decidendi.

They are 6 to 8 thousand words long counting the body of the article and the citations in the footnote and the references.

The articles should be sent via the Open Journal System (OJS).

The recommended structure, especially for research articles is as follows:

  • Title of the article (concise but informative), in Spanish on the first line and then in English, containing as many significant terms as possible. A maximum of two lines will be accepted (80 characters including spaces). The titles are not only the responsibility of the authors but also the editors. If they are not worded correctly, the meaning of the work could be modified.
  • Full name and surname(s) of each of the authors in order of priority, followed by their academic position, their academic centre and their e-mail addresses. If an author possesses the academic qualification of Doctor (PhD) this must be indicated (by including the title Dr. before the name). It is prescriptive to register in Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) (
  • Abstract in Spanish: 210/220 words, providing a concise description of the motive and purpose of the research project, the methodology used, the key findings and main conclusions, following the structure: justification of the subject, goals, study methodology, results and conclusions. It should be written in an impersonal style.
  • Abstract in English: 180/200 words. The use of automatic translators is not allowed for its preparation, as it is for the title and keywords, due to their poor quality. The evaluators also assess this aspect of the paper and our reviewers analyse linguistic standards and style if necessary.
  • Keywords in English / Keywords in Spanish (6 terms). The use of Thesaurus of UNESCO is recommended. New terms are accepted only occasionally.


All UASB-E publications strive for written expression that does not discriminate against women or any group in society, while recognizing the history, structure and economy of the language, and the most comfortable use for readers and speakers.

Therefore, no sexist or inequitable usage will be accepted, nor will the immoderate use of inclusive duplications or the morpheme e, @ (it is not a letter) or x to compose supposedly generic words, which contravene the standard use of the language.

Citation and reference norms

Foro, Law Journal complies with the Deusto Chicago Manual of Style (summary guide of the Manual, here) and, within this, the Notes and Bibliography Subsystem (SNB):

Below, some recommendations that allude to the said manual are detailed:

  1. Words in other languages should appear in italics
  2. The first time that abbreviations or acronyms are used, they should be in parentheses after the non-abbreviated form.
  3. Concerning images, maps, pictures, graphs, figures, and tables:
  • They should be incorporated in the text in an orderly manner.
  • They should contain complete references (last name, year, page number) in single-space, size 11 font.
  • Each one should have a title and sequence number.
  • Graphs should be sent separately in any legible standard format (indicate the format), as long as the author’s suggested location is mentioned in the text. In order to assure the final quality, the author shall include with the writing a high-resolution digital file (in cd, zip, USB or another file format).

SBN citation example

Book chapters

(N) Honorato Vasquez, “On the shore of the sea,” in The one-hundred best Ecuadorian poems, comp. by Sergio Nunez (Quito: Don Bosco, 1964).

(N) Vasquez, Honorato, “On the shore of the sea.” In The one-hundred best Ecuadorian poems, compiled by Sergio Nunez, 49-50. Quito: Don Bosco, 1964.

(N) Juan Maiguashca, ed., History of Andean America, vol. 5, Creation of the republics and formation of the nation (Quito: Simon Bolivar Andean University, Ecuador Campus / Libresa, 2003), 34-56.

(B) Maiguashca, Juan, ed. History of Andean America, vol. 5, Creation of the republics and formation of the nation. Quito: Simon Bolivar Andean University, Ecuador Campus / Libresa, 2003.


Articles from academic journals:

(N) Judith Salgado Alvarez, “Dealing with difference: Responses from Ecuadorian and Colombian constitutional justice,” Foro: Law Review, No. 16 (semester II 2011): 10.

(B) Salgado Alvarez, Judith. “Dealing with difference: Responses from Ecuadorian and Colombian constitutional justice.” Foro: Law Review, No. 16 (semester II 2011): 5-56.

(N) Diego J. Chein “National culture as an emerging space of connection between the State and humanities in centennial Argentina,” Kipus: Andean writing review, No. 30 (semester II 2011): 65-70.

(B) Chein, Diego J. “National culture as an emerging space of connection between the State and humanities in centennial Argentina.” Kipus: Andean writing review, No. 30 (semester II 2011): 63-81.


Las contribuciones para esta sección abordarán una línea temática dentro del tema central de la convocatoria en curso. Esta sección es coordinada por expertos en la temática.

Los artículos de esta sección tendrán una extensión entre 5.000 a 6.000 palabras, considerando el cuerpo del artículo como las citas al pie, la lista de referencias, el título, el resumen y las palabras clave. Además, contarán con un número mínimo de referencias, entre doctrinarias y jurisprudenciales, de 30.

Las aportaciones para esta sección de la revista pueden ser:

  • Artículos académicos: sección arbitrada. Se reciben artículos académicos que sean resultado de proyectos de investigación que den respuestas a problemas jurídicos en los ámbitos nacional, regional e internacional, resultantes de los procesos de análisis, reflexión y producción crítica del Derecho, y que se adecúen a la convocatoria vigente. 
  • Análisis de sentencias: sección arbitrada. Esta sección recibe análisis de sentencias actuales o emblemáticas, que tengan relación con el tema de la convocatoria vigente. Algunos elementos que el articulista podría destacar son: problemas jurídicos que se abordaron, los argumentos de las partes, el razonamiento / métodos de argumentación y análisis crítico de la ratio decidendi

Fechas de envío: Los autores podrán remitir manuscritos para la sección monográfica durante las fechas establecidas en la convocatoria en curso.


Aportaciones variadas dentro de los ejes temáticos de la Revista:

  1. Estado, administración pública y democracia 
  2. Constitución económica, mercado y globalización 
  3. Derechos, justicia y sociedad plural
  4. Derecho, naturaleza y ambiente 

Los artículos de esta sección tendrán una extensión entre 5.000 a 6.000 palabras, considerando el cuerpo del artículo como las citas al pie, la lista de referencias, el título, el resumen y las palabras clave. Además, contarán con un número mínimo de referencias, entre doctrinarias y jurisprudenciales, de 30.

Las aportaciones en la revista para esta sección pueden ser:

  • Artículos académicos: sección arbitrada. Se reciben artículos académicos que sean resultado de proyectos de investigación que den respuestas a problemas jurídicos en los ámbitos nacional, regional e internacional, resultantes de los procesos de análisis, reflexión y producción crítica del Derecho, y que se adecúen a la convocatoria vigente. 
  • Análisis de sentencias: sección arbitrada. Esta sección recibe análisis de sentencias actuales o emblemáticas, que tengan relación con el tema de la convocatoria vigente. Algunos elementos que el articulista podría destacar son: problemas jurídicos que se abordaron, los argumentos de las partes, el razonamiento / métodos de argumentación y análisis crítico de la ratio decidendi

Fechas de envío: Para esta sección, los autores podrán remitir manuscritos para su evaluación sin fecha predeterminada, aunque, a efectos de entrada, se considerarán recepcionados el último día de la convocatoria del tema monográfico.

Privacy Statement

The names and emails entered in this review will be exclusively used for purposes established in said review and will not be provided to third parties nor be used for other purposes.