Open access policy and digital preservation

Open access policy

Comentario Internacional is of free and open access, for both readers and authors. No payment is required to publish or access the material:

  • The authors can reuse and archive their post-print articles in databases, directories, repositories, etc.
  • The readers can freely read all the articles without restrictions after publication.

Comentario Internacional uses the Licencia Creative Commons 4.0 de Reconocimiento No Comercial-Compartir Igual 4.0 which allows:

  • Sharing: copying and redistributing the material in any media or format.
  • Adaptation: remixing, transforming and constructing from the material.

Under the following terms:

  • Credit: you should adequately give credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made. You can do this in any reasonable way, but without implying that you or its use are supported by the licensor.
  • Non-commercial: you cannot use the material for commercial purposes.
  • Compartir igual: si remezcla, transforma o crea a partir del material, debe distribuir su contribución bajo la misma licencia del original.
  • Equal sharing: if you remix, transform or create something new from the material, you should distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.

There are no additional restrictions: you cannot apply legal terms nor technological measures which legally restrict others from using the material in any way permitted by the license.


Digital preservation policies

Comentario Internacional establishes two means of preserving its publications:

  • Internally: through the university’s centralized storage system that is updated twice a year.
  • Institutional preservation: all the articles of the review are archived in the University’s institutional repository.