Insertion of Ecuador in the Asia Pacific region: some reflections for the new administration


  • Andrés Montalvo Servicio Exterior de Ecuador


Asian Pacific, Pacific Basin, integration, International Trade


The author advocates for the development of a closer relation between Ecuador and the APEC countries. It is stated that the new Ecuadorian administration must design its policies in accordance to the boundaries imposed by liberal democracy and free markets. The foreign policy must also be aimed at fostering international trade, capital flows, and national competitiveness. At the same time the private sector must create a regular flow of exports towards the APEC countries and the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs must strengthen its political and diplomatic ties at the Pacific area. Finally, the author stresses that the public sector must be quickly modernized.


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Author Biography

Andrés Montalvo, Servicio Exterior de Ecuador

Primer secretario del Servicio Exterior ecuatoriano. Filiación institucional solo con fines de identificación. Las opiniones vertidas en este artículo son de carácter estrictamente personal.

How to Cite

Montalvo, A. (2016). Insertion of Ecuador in the Asia Pacific region: some reflections for the new administration. Comentario Internacional. Journal of the Andean Center of International Studies, (4). Retrieved from