Unsustainability of the payment of external debt from the economic, social and environmental point of view


  • Wilma Salgado Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador


external debt, poverty, natural resources, health, education


The author states that, given the conditions usually posed by both the industrialized countries and foreign creditors, Ecuador can hardly satisfy its external debt obligations in the future. If wen economic, social and environmental issues are really taken into account, it becomes clear that the current servicing of debt is generating an unsustainable balance of payments, a deterioration of domestic productive capabilities which makes labor markets more precarious, and an enhancement of the incidence of poverty which puts unbearable pressures on natural resources. Through an analysis of selected indicators, the author makes clear the relation between the economic adjustments aimed at fulfilling debt service, and the worsening of living conditions, including the impacts on agriculture and natural resources, and the dynamics of migration processes.


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Author Biography

Wilma Salgado, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador

Profesora del Programa de Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios latinoamericanos de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Sede Ecuador.

How to Cite

Salgado, W. (2016). Unsustainability of the payment of external debt from the economic, social and environmental point of view. Comentario Internacional. Journal of the Andean Center of International Studies, (4). Retrieved from https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/comentario/article/view/192