El Rol del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina en los 50 años de integración subregional
Integración económica regional, Comunidad Andina, Tribunal Andino, Institucionalización, Judicialización.Abstract
The Andean Community is a community of law with a high degree of institutionalization and legalization. This research aims to evaluate the role of the Andean Court in to the establishment and consolidation of the Andean market, through the Liberation Program and the gradual harmonization of economic policies, especially in ?Intellectual Property. For this purpose, an empirical analysis was developed based on the main pronouncements of that Court divided into three-time blocks. The research shows that the judicialization did not generate immediate or automatic effects. Also, it shows that, in part, the Andean regulations became effective thanks to the work of an independent, autonomous and specialized mechanism that guarantees judicial protection in case of non-compliance of the States. Finally, it explains how individuals promoted continuity in the application of Andean law in the Sub region. Thus, it is concluded that the Andean Court has played various roles, establishing the bases of community law and the integration process itself, defining the outlines of the main mechanisms for the consolidation of Andean market and collaborating with the harmonization of economic policies.
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