Security, Institutions, Agenda, Discussion, Integration, Powers, AndesAbstract
In its 50 years existence, the Andean Community (CAN) has promoted regional integration, focusing in economic and commercial aspects. Throughout this time, it has not been involved in the discussion regarding regional security issues (exception being made in the 9-11 aftermath), in spite of its countries' vivid and complex security dynamics. From this perspective, this work's main interest is to caracterize this discussion highlighting the United States' role in promoting an agenda that encompasses the whole spectrum of security discussion, while promoting its own interests. On the other hand, institutional path dependence limits this countries' consideration regarding integration in security matters. This article embarks on a brief historical review of the national political processes as well as the regional security structure, from which to pinpoint influences over local decissions, and over CAN's structure. Such approach reveals several of the forces in question and the inevitable limitations to adopt security issues within the andean institution. This article concludes by highlighting the lack of coordination on security issues between andean countries, and how that reduces the chances to promote reflection as well as common action areas in a moment when security demands have become more pressing.
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