The Ecuadorian Modernist Portrait: Symbolism, the Feminine and the Exotic in Abelardo (1895), by Eudófilo Álvarez


  • Jeimy García Sánchez Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


Modernism, French Symbolism, The Artist, Exoticism


Abelardo (1895) is a novel that fits within the frame of the Spanish American Literary Modernism not only due to its French symbolism influences, but also because of the aesthetic outlining of the modernist movement. The dream and its influence on the earthly live of the character–narrator, the transformation of the image of the fragile woman into a femme fatale, the exotic gaze cast on the indigenous, the natural beauty of the land, and the Homeric myths, and the idealize representation of the modernist attitude of the protagonist of the novel, are some of the traits that distinguish Eudofilo Alvarez’s work.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, J. (2011). The Ecuadorian Modernist Portrait: Symbolism, the Feminine and the Exotic in Abelardo (1895), by Eudófilo Álvarez. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (29), 129–152. Retrieved from


