The “pre-existing Intent” of Intellectuals and Focalization in Campana y campanero (1891), by Honorato Vázquez


  • Danilo García Bernal


Narrative Focalization, The Intellectual, Catholic Pre-Existentialism, Ecuadorian Identity


Upon affirming that literature could never be a form of industry, Honorato Vázquez applied in his work something that he, as an intellectual, understood as an absolute truth. Nevertheless, by choosing a complex narrative focalization in his text, he specifies himself as an skillful writer who employs discursive procedures that are structural elements of the narrative textual composition, which is offered already as an analyzable structure in different aspects and levels, and composed by different voices; aspects that will give its specificity to the novel as a genre in the 20th century.


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Author Biography

Danilo García Bernal

Investigador independiente


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How to Cite

García Bernal , D. (2011). The “pre-existing Intent” of Intellectuals and Focalization in Campana y campanero (1891), by Honorato Vázquez. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (29), 101–127. Retrieved from