Power of Quechua Oral Narrative: Layqas, Suq’as and “condenados”


  • Alison Kröguel Universidad de Denver


Peruvian literature, oral tradition, Quechan oral narrative, willakuykuna, q’aqchanapaq, yuyarinapaq


The author analyzes three examples of contemporary Quechan oral narrative in Chichero’s District (Perú). Based on the texts, she describes how the integration of culinary symbolism becomes a tool in the instillation and strengthening of certain traditions or of the socio-cultural history of the ayllu. In this narrative, the presence of characters that break the culinary etiquette of the community usually forebodes tragic events; they
would foretell an upcoming death or the arrival of an evil character (the condenado, the  layqa, or the suq’a), or the falling apart of family  relationships. Further, if in the plot some character offers food under unusual or suspicious circumstances, it may sicken or even kill people. To increase tension, Quechan narrators use mimic, sound effects, culinary references to spoiled food, parallel structure, and the reiteration of key concepts and ideas. The author deduces that warning tales meet two purposes: entertain and teach, strengthening, in both cases, the social organization in the ayllu.


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How to Cite

Kröguel, A. . (2010). Power of Quechua Oral Narrative: Layqas, Suq’as and “condenados”. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (28), 69–108. Retrieved from https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/kipus/article/view/963


