Sketches of a liberal grammar: from the glorification of agricultural labor to the symbolic consecration of the Andes


  • María Alejandra Zambrano


National state, nation, Luis A. Martínez, A la Costa, liberal revolution, Ecuadorian novel, imagined communities, identities


This article focuses on the contradictions of the Ecuadorian national project at the beginning of the 20th Century, related to how it intended to address identities in conflict within the new social and spatial configurations. In order to do so, it examines the manner in which Luis A. Martínez recognizes the ambivalence of modernity to the point of making his work into allegories of imagined failed communities. As such, his agricultural catechisms such as his novel A la costa (1905), in addition to contributing to the intellectual debates of the era on the country’s participation in the modern capitalist world-system, witness the contradictions existing within liberalism as a hegemonic ideology. Hence the aforementioned texts are considered to be hinges that envision the national but still without subverting disagreements between the ruling class and the subaltern one.


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How to Cite

Zambrano, M. A. . (2012). Sketches of a liberal grammar: from the glorification of agricultural labor to the symbolic consecration of the Andes. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (32), 131–160. Retrieved from


