“Cadáveres”: The staging of a sorrowful memory
Néstor Perlongher poetry, neo-muddy, memory, biopolitics, mourning, politics, corpse, Cadáveres”Abstract
In Latin America there are various aesthetic practices that problematize the experience of loss, pain and address the materiality of bodily remains as a space for the response of regimes that regulate life: the corpse is in them the protagonist of the lived experience, the motor of questions and aesthetic formulations, as well as the horizon of political bets. From the approach of a founding text of neo-muddy poetry and the theme of the corpse in Latin America: “Cadáveres” (1981) by Néstor Perlongher, this article proposes a reflection on how aesthetics, from the poetic point of view, can give an account of a bereavement in suspense and can make a practice of mourning memory that confronts the arbitrary political ordering of bodies.
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