About the evanescence of returning home in the poetic works of Aurelio Arturo


  • James Rodríguez Calle Universidad Icesi, Cali


Colombian poetry, Colombian literature, Aurelio Arturo, evanescence, modernity, vanguard


The author analyses and interprets a corpus of texts of Colombian poet Aurelio Arturo from the “returning home” theme, conveyed in poetic imageries which share the feature of evanescence. Rodríguez proposes an interpretation based on poetic and linguistic elements (like alliterations and signifiers) and moves on to analyze the discourse of the poetic speaker (related to its idyllic and rural past, and to its present of urban modernity). The poetic voice is analyzed first as a split poetic speaker; then, related to memory auxiliaries; and finally, confronted to the evocation of its own abode, from the forming of a hero or heroine.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Calle, J. . (2012). About the evanescence of returning home in the poetic works of Aurelio Arturo. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (31), 87–96. Retrieved from https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/kipus/article/view/850


