Jorge L. Borges y Augusto Roa Bastos: Plagiarisms and falsifications: “The Immortal” and I the Supreme One
Latin American fiction, historical novel, historiographical discourse, fiction, truth, plagiarism, Jorge Luis Borges, Augusto Roa BastosAbstract
From some similarities between the story “El inmortal” (J.L. Borges, 1947) and the novel Yo el Supremo (A. Roa Bastos, 1974) the author explores the manner in which these texts simultaneously destabilize the traditional conceptions and practices of the historiographical discourse and narrative fiction, undermining the fundamental procedures and conventions belonging to these discursive genres, at least in two orders: the construction of the figure of the author and the citation –arbitrary, ironic and parodic– of documentary sources, both methods identified by Foucault as a condition for the discursive production of truth. As a consequence of these transgressions, both texts introduce a radical questioning of the notion of an original, unique and indisputable historical truth.
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Roa Bastos, Augusto, Yo el Supremo, Caracas, Ayacucho, 1986.
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