Ordenamiento de los relatos de Salvador: los del artista, y mucho después…


  • Wilfrido H. Corral Sacramento State University


Ecuadorian story, Humberto Salvador, vanguards, realism, artist


The author suggests that literary criticism generally ignores the collections of stories Humberto Salvador published from 1930 to 1980. Salvador recreates, throughout his entire career, the society and culture that surrounds him, seeking to decipher its moral essence; to achieve this, he makes intuition a positive value, more so than reason. Among the initial topics (during the 1920s) of the writer from Guayaquil stands out his reflection on art, as a product immersed in culture, history and society; a work would be the conjunction of literary work and the randomness of daily life: making it therefore an object to be found. After this «aesthetic» period, Salvador sought to represent society principally with «outcast» characters who follow no orthodox code. He emphasized mental states and psychological aspects (diseases such as schizophrenia, hysteria, etc.). According to Corral, Salvador’s stories evolve from the artist’s theme to that of everyday life; he argues that these are gems of existential comedy, anguish and domestic moderation.


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How to Cite

Corral, W. H. . (2019). Ordenamiento de los relatos de Salvador: los del artista, y mucho después…. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (25), 55–79. Retrieved from https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/kipus/article/view/766