Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco y su sentido de la historia


  • Humberto E. Robles Northwestem University


Historical/Literary relation, Ecuadorian novel, Compendio para Segunda enseñanza, La hoguera bárbara, identity, nation, liberal ideology, secularism, Gabriel García Moreno, Eloy Alfaro


The author reviews Alfredo Pareja's inquiries into history and identity, which relate to the idea of a mestizo nation. In Pareja's fiction, a messianic fire explodes; it is secular and conditíoned by a way of thinking of, organizing and narrating history: from the liberal ideas of the 19th Century and sorne socialist considerations. The emphasis on the authentic and the leads one, without great consideration, to reject the modern and the foreign. Like this, in La hoguera bárbara (The Savage Fire) he presents a religious question from an official and secular perspective, leaving little space for the Church, or that of the two foreign bishops, both «rebels»: Schumacher and Masiá. Regarding Pareja's vision of history, he maintains that in La Hoguera ... , as in Compendio para Segunda enseñanza (Compendium for a Second Education), would reveal a sense of it like a Bildungsroman at the nationallevel, driven by 19th Century Liberalism and some socialist aspirations.


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How to Cite

E. Robles, H. (2008). Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco y su sentido de la historia. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (24), 255–272. Retrieved from


