Lo extraficcional en La casa de los locos y La Señorita Ecuador, las primeras novelas de Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco
Vanguard, Ecuadorian Fiction, 1930's fiction, extra-fictional voice, implied author, text, poetics.Abstract
The author reviews the first two novels written by Pareja Diezcanseco, structural elements outside of the world of novels, provided by an extra-fictional voice (prefaces, epilogues, footnotes). La casa de los locos is a satire of a society in anarchy, which shows the chaotic actions 01 the ruling classes and 10reshadows the deformed sodalios (members 01 a revolutionary organization) of Las pequeñas estaturas (Those of Small Stature); in it is the great importance to «emove», in that the extra-lictional voice speaks 01 the poetics 01 writing: this can then become a cultural and ideological weapon. In La Señorita Ecuador, one 01 the extrafictional elements, the epilogue, clarifies and justifies the work's designation as a novel. These elements constitute, in both works, an indispensable counterpoint to the understanding of the feeling and social critique implicit in such textual fiction.
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