El extravío del poeta: notas sobre la escritura de Roberto Bolaño


  • Carlos Walker Universidad de Buenos Aires


Latin American literature, Chilean literature, poetic art, exile and poetry, writer’s profession


The author reflects on a constant in the narrative of Chilean, Robert Bolaño: its poet characters –of a very diverse moral and occupational character– move from place to place, in exile or pilgrimage, in search of a writer who is absent; whom they never find, or he dies before communication is established. The practice of the writing, which is in itself problematic, converts the poet in a lost being or one who is in transit, lost; an empty being who writes «under hypnosis», a secretary who takes note of the dreams and nightmares of the other, who only argues with some ghosts about the relevance of the paragraphs that are repeated. The act of writing is transformed, in Bolaño’ work, in a stage marked by emptiness and exile.


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How to Cite

Walker, C. (2024). El extravío del poeta: notas sobre la escritura de Roberto Bolaño. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (22), 79–88. Retrieved from https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/kipus/article/view/4969