The Present Continuum of Circular History: A Story from the Highest Cemetery in the World




Circular History, Heterogeneity, Myth, Irony, Chronicle


Redoble por Rancas (1970) by Manuel Scorza is a story in which the most reliable version of the outrage and extermination of a population is that of the dead. The violent events that took place in the town follow the circular (conservative) conception of history, but the intervention of the characters, with reduced resources of a fantastic kind, introduces some breaks in the representation that disrupt the presumably immovable nature of the series. The article reestablishes the link of the initial novel of the pentalogy La guerra silenciosa with the development of the whole, evaluates the Mariateguian impact on the saga and relocates the narration within Latin American literature of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Croce, M. (2024). The Present Continuum of Circular History: A Story from the Highest Cemetery in the World. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (55), 63–78.
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