Jorgenrique Adoum: Imagined Autobiographies. Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda and Ciudad sin ángel




Jorgenrique Adoum, Ciudad sin ángel, Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda, Ecuadorian novel, transtextuality, autobiography, melancholy, mourning


The literary work of the Ecuadorian Jorgenrique Adoum is characterized by the alteration of language and his reiterative intention to describe the “other reality”, that which allows us to hear the voice of human beings displaced and silenced by society and history. Likewise, in the act of reiterating, Adoum establishes a transtextual fabric in his work that allows us to trace connections between literary genres, different periods of the author’s writing and constant themes in his work. What is the function of writing throughout Adoum’s life? This text aims to give testimony of his life through imagined autobiographies that allow, in the other reality, the restitution of those absent from the unjust and fractured official reality.


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Adoum, Jorgenrique. 1992. El tiempo y las palabras. Quito: Libresa.

–––. 1995. El amor desenterrado. Quito: El Conejo.

–––. 1999. Los amores fugaces. Quito: Seix Barral.

–––. 2005. Obras (in)completas. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.

–––. 2007. Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda. Quito: Eskeletra.

–––. 2018. Ciudad sin ángel. Quito: Archipiélago.

Bartra, Roger. 2017. La melancolía moderna. Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Genette, Gerard. 1989. Palimpsestos. Madrid: Taurus.

Kierkegaard, Sören. 2007. Tratado de la desesperación. Buenos Aires: Gradifco.

Rivera Garza, Cristina. 2011. Dolerse. Textos desde un país herido. Ciudad de México: Surplus.

Steiner, George. 2014. Diez (posibles) razones para la tristeza del pensamiento. Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Silva, A. (2022). Jorgenrique Adoum: Imagined Autobiographies. Entre Marx y una mujer desnuda and Ciudad sin ángel. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (51), 93–111.
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