Flaws in the Living Machine. Architecture, Botany and Affect in Las horas claras by Jacqueline Goldberg


  • Gina Saraceni Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia)




Jacqueline Golberg, Venezuelan novel, living machine, architecture, modernity, women, family household, affects, becoming-vegetables


The purpose of this article is to read Las horas claras (2013) by Jacqueline Goldberg as a means to reveal the ways that this novel, through its “trans-gender” condition, intervenes in official history and proposes a poetics of non-belonging based on the gesture of cracking the topos of the house as a common space of human dwelling. This is also perceived as a form of intervening in literary dwelling by decentering its limits towards other experiences and knowledges such as architecture, botany and culinary. For Goldberg, narrating the life of a French woman in the first half of the 20th century, entails thinking of existence as an inedible fungus, as a green grapefruit that intoxicates and provokes death. In this way, her writing breaks down the hierarchy between human and non-human life to show how the living also expresses negative affects that operate to destroy


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How to Cite

Saraceni, G. (2020). Flaws in the Living Machine. Architecture, Botany and Affect in Las horas claras by Jacqueline Goldberg. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (48), 26–46. https://doi.org/10.32719/13900102.2020.48.3
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