Irony in the anti-poetry of Nicanor Parra


  • Jaime Ricardo Reyes Calderón Universidad Libre de Cúcuta, Colombia


antipoetry, Chile, poeticity, Nicanor Parra, Bakhtin


The deviation from the norm is the foundation that structuralist theorists have proposed to define the sense of the poetic. As Jakobson affirms: “in reality poetic language makes an essential change in the relationships between the signifier and the meaning, as well as between the sign and the concept.” With this premise of backdrop, here we offer an approach to the anti-poetry of Nicanor Parra, who develops his poeticity against the norms of poetry itself. We perform a textual exercise of analysis and commentary from the antipoetic and irony, unraveling the divergences and critical emphases that emerge in the poetry records of the Chilean author who passed away in January 2018, guiding us through the socio-semiotic concepts of Bakhtin.


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Author Biography

Jaime Ricardo Reyes Calderón, Universidad Libre de Cúcuta, Colombia

Colombiano. Licenciado en Filosofía, Esp. en Literatura, Esp. en Desarrollo humano, Magister en Educación, Candidato a Doctor en Educación. Coordinador de la Institución Educativa Santo Ángel de Cúcuta(Colombia). Profesor de la Universidad Libre de Cúcuta.


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How to Cite

Reyes Calderón, J. R. . (2018). Irony in the anti-poetry of Nicanor Parra. Kipus: Revista Andina De Letras Y Estudios Culturales, (43), 79–96. Retrieved from