About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Publication frequency

Double-blind peer-review evaluation process

Open access policy

Ethical policies

Digital preservation policies

Anti-plagiarism policies

Privacy statement


Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, is an academic publication of Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Sede Ecuador, edited continuously since 1993. Its objective is to be a concrete response to the integration of our Latin American consciousness. Thus, it highlights and expounds on new assessments and discussions brought forth by Ecuadorian, Andean, and Latin American culture and literature.

The journal is aimed at the scientific community and those who are interested in understanding, amplifying and delving into, from academic perspectives, literary subjects of social, political, cultural and historical debate from the Andean Region and Latin America in general.

Kipus disseminates the results of research, reviews and academic reflections that contribute to the critical development of literary and cultural studies in the region. The journal receives unpublished articles in Spanish, although texts in English may be included. It declares its openness to the participation of authors from outside the publishing entity.

Kipus uses the external peer-review system, under the double-blind review methodology, according to the citation rules adapted from the Chicago Deusto Manual of Style.

The journal is published in Spanish, in two versions: printed (ISSN: 1390-0102) and electronic (e-ISSN: 2600-5751), and each paper is identified with a Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).

The journal is published twice a year. It publishes two issues per year, in January and July.

For the selection of articles, the external peer-review system is used, under the double-blind review methodology, where the anonymity of the peer reviewers and the author is respected at all times.

The articles received are submitted to the following process:

  • All the articles are received through the Open Journal System (OJS).
  • The editor reviews that the articles received comply with the objective and scope of the publication, their thematic relevance, academic quality, making sure that they are unpublished and that they meet our standards for contributors.
  • Suitable articles are reviewed through the "double-blind" arbitration system, where experts, external to the Editorial Board and the publishing institution, and always with an academic degree equal to or higher than that of the author of the article reviewed, anonymously attest to the academic quality of the article and submit their recommendation through the evaluation report provided for this purpose.
  • The blind readers anonymously determine if the article is:
    • Publishable
    • Publishable with modifications
    • Non-publishable
  • The double-blind review process takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
  • In case of discrepancies in the results, the article is sent to a third anonymous expert whose evaluation determines the article’s publication.
  • The results of the review process are final in all cases.
  • The editor, guided at all times by the peer reviewers' reports, defines the publication of the article. Once the external scientific reviews have been examined, the criteria that justify the decision on the acceptance/rejection of the papers by the Editorial Board are the following:
    • Actuality and novelty.
    • Relevance and significance: advancement of scientific knowledge.
    • Reliability and scientific validity: proven methodological quality.
    • Organization (logical coherence and formal presentation).
    • External support and public/private funding.
    • Co-authorships and degree of internationalization of the proposal and the team.
    • Good writing (application of Kipus editing protocols, "Guidelines for collaborators").
  • At the end of this period, the journal informs all authors of the decisions and reports of the peer reviewers.

During the entire process, the double-blind peer-review process guarantees objectivity, transparency, and impartiality.

The Journal -if deemed necessary- will publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies.

Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales maintains its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and publicly funded research should circulate on the Internet freely, freely and without restrictions.

    • Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales is free and open access, both for readers and authors, providing immediate access to its content after publication.
    • All expenses, inputs and financing of Kipus, Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, come from contributions made by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
    • No payment is required to publish or access the material.
      • The authors can reuse and archive their post-print articles in databases, directories, repositories, etc.
      • Readers can download, read, print, distribute, quote, archive all articles free of charge, without restrictions, after their publication, citing the source: Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales.
    • The authors retain the rights of authorship and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) that enables:
      • Sharing: copying and redistributing the material in any media or format.
      • Adaptation: remixing, transforming and constructing from the material.

                       Under the following terms:

      • Credit: you should adequately give credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made. You can do this in any reasonable way, but without implying that you or its use are supported by the licensor.
      • Non-commercial: you cannot use the material for commercial purposes.
      • Equal sharing: if you remix, transform or create something new from the material, you should distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.
      • There are no additional restrictions: you cannot apply legal terms nor technological measures which legally restrict others from using the material in any way permitted by the license.
  • Authors may implement other independent and additional contractual agreements for the distribution of the article published in this journal (e.g., include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was first published in Kipus. In case of reproduction, a note similar to the following should be included: This text was originally published in Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales N° --, year of publication.

Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, gives a free printed copy of the journal to each of its authors.

Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales adheres to the standards of good editorial conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Some of these standards are detailed below:

Ethical practices for authors:

  • Papers submitted to the journal must be original, unpublished and unaltered in any way.
  • Do not submit the same article simultaneously for evaluation by several journals.
  • Always give credit to the people who have contributed to carrying out your research.
  • Explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained.
  • They indicate any agency or project funding from which their research article arises.
  • His review of the academic literature is always current and relevant, taking into account the different currents of knowledge.
  • Deliver texts in accordance with established publication standards.
  • They collaborate in an agile way in the corrections and suggestions of the reviewers.

The responsibility for the content of the articles published in Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales is exclusive of the authors.

Ethical practices for reviewers:

  • They perform a critical, honest, constructive, unbiased review that guarantees the academic quality of the research article.
  • They notify immediately, if for any reason they cannot evaluate the article, either because it is not within their field of knowledge, or because they are unable to deliver the evaluation report within the established deadlines.
  • They always maintain confidentiality about the authorship of the article to be reviewed.
  • The evaluation reports are submitted in the review template provided for this purpose, providing the basis for the assessments that led to the decision.
  • They precisely indicate the bibliographical references of fundamental works that may have been forgotten by the author.
  • Inform the editors of any similarity between the research article and other published works.

At all times the evaluation is done anonymously. If, for any reason, the identity of the authors, their institutional affiliations or any other data that jeopardizes the anonymity of the document has been compromised, the reviewer immediately notifies the editors.

Editors’ commitment

  • They evaluate articles on the basis of the academic merit of the contents, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, political opinion of the authors.
  • Throughout the entire process, confidentiality is maintained with respect to the articles, their authors and reviewers.
  • Editors are the most responsible for meeting deadlines for revision and publication of accepted works.
  • They guarantee the selection of the most qualified reviewers to issue an academic, critical and expert appraisal of the work, with the least possible biases.

Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales establishes two means for the preservation of its publications:


In order to guarantee the originality of the articles that reach the journal, all are analyzed by the Turnitin system, which prevents plagiarism and guarantees that the works received are unpublished.

Therefore, articles with a high percentage of similarity with other texts published or available online will not be accepted.


The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.