Invasive Species and Rights of Nature: The Case of Gene Drives in Galapagos




rights of nature, genetic manipulation, island ecosystems, invasive exotic species, conservation


The eradication of invasive exotic species, especially in island ecosystems, is one of the topics of greatest interest to organizations working on the conservation of endemic species. Among the control strategies, genetic technologies have been proposed, including gene drives, which present a series of concerns from the point of view of environmental and nature rights, especially in a country like Ecuador where these rights are recognized, and where genetically modified organisms that threaten ecosystems and the national genetic heritage are prohibited. This article, the proposal to eradicate rodents in Galapagos is analyse.


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How to Cite

Bravo Velásquez, E. (2024). Invasive Species and Rights of Nature: The Case of Gene Drives in Galapagos. Andares: Revista De Derechos Humanos Y De La Naturaleza, (6), 65–70.
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