Photojournalism, a Pacifying Instrument of Collective Memory and Cultural Identity of the Awá People in the Department of Nariño




photojournalism, documentary photography, cultural identity rights, pueblo Awá, collective memory, peacemaking instrument


Within the Colombian state, communities have generated processes of resistance and cultural survival through pacifying means of collective memory, such as documentary journalism, portraying collective memory scenarios of our indigenous communities in favor of their worldview and oral tradition. This article will be developed in two special sections, explaining the importance of photojournalism and responding to the following problem. Why can documentary journalism be considered a pacifying instrument of collective memory in favor of remembrance, valorization, and restructuring of the right to the cultural identity of the Awá community (Nariño)? Consequently, emphasis will be placed on documentary journalism through the observation and interpretation of the historical memory of the armed conflict in Colombia, which has influenced the ways of living of the Awá community, highlighting documentary photography as an instrument of peace and Relevant collective evocation in the Post-conflict, which would allow the remembrance, restructuring, and valorization of the right to cultural identity which would be approached, from the perspective of the SIDH (Inter-American System of Human Rights) and based on Gadamer’s aesthetic theory. Therefore, the stages portrayed and invested in photography will highlight part of social memory.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Montúfar, Álvaro H., Carvajal, J. E., & Ramírez Montufar, V. C. (2023). Photojournalism, a Pacifying Instrument of Collective Memory and Cultural Identity of the Awá People in the Department of Nariño. Andares: Revista De Derechos Humanos Y De La Naturaleza, (3), 48–55.
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