The Risk in Communities Exposed to Large-Scale Development Projects: Proposal of a Model to Understand, Map and Transform it




human rights defenders communities, risk of human rights violations, international human rights standards


Human rights defenders are usually perceived in their individuality, but not in the organizational and community context to which they belong and in which they wage their collective struggles. This contributes to the fact that the risk of human rights violations in the communities is not sufficiently addressed. To influence the analysis of the risk context and the reaction capacity for the transformation of vulnerabilities in communities and civil society organizations, a risk assessment model was designed, with elements for mapping based on International Human Rights Law, as the axis of dialogue between communities and States. This document describes the elaboration of this model and its components. It makes explicit the objective of advancing and qualifying the duty to control conventionality in the acts of the public function.


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How to Cite

Murcia, D. M. (2023). The Risk in Communities Exposed to Large-Scale Development Projects: Proposal of a Model to Understand, Map and Transform it. Andares: Revista De Derechos Humanos Y De La Naturaleza, (2), 15–25.
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